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Environmental Sciences

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    • Category : Social Sciences > Communication
    • Keyword : EvolutionchemicalPollutionWasteClimate
    • Taught by : Bae Pheaxay
    • Created By : National University of Laos
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.12.13

    The Environmental Science subject is bases on enhancing student to understand on relationship between natural resources conservation approachpopulation in ecosystemeffective of human activities on environment condition and thinking about environmental pollution and possible options to preserve and adapt on environmental changing as well as this subject will focus on in search to find out the best solution options and sustainable mechanism of development activities to achieve the goals of sustainable environmental condition and ecofriendly condition

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Number of lessons: 13 facebook twitter line whatsapp kakaotalk

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No Contents Type & Play Subject Description URL
1. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the evolution and definition of environment. Learners can identify the type of environment and characteristic of environment. Learners can aware on relationship between human activities and environment. 1. Environmental evolution and definition - This material explains about the history and meaning of the environment. 2. Type and Character of Environment - This material explains about thedifferrence type and character of the environment. 3. Relationship between biotic and Environment - This material explains about the relationship among environment."
2. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the basic knowledge of the chemical in the environment. Learners can follow-up the Energy flow and intervention process. Learners can understand The Chemical cycles in the environment. 1. The Chemical in the environment - This material explains about the remain of chemical in general environment condition. 2. The Energy flow and intervention process - This material explains about the energy flow and transmitiion in the nature and its intervention . 3. The Chemical cycles in the environment - This material explains about the cycle of chemical in nature or in the environment."
3. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the evident of bio fossil. Learners can understand on the principles of biotic identification. Learners can understand on biotic adaptation and extinction. 1. Evident of bio-fossil - This material explains about what is the evident of bio-fossil and its type. 2. Principle of biotic identification - This material explains about how to identify the biotic . 3. Biotic adaptation and extinction - This material explains about the adaptation method of biotic in the changing of environment conditions."
4. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the basic knowledge of the pollution in the environment. Learners can follow-up the cycle process of pollution. Learners can understand the effective and solution choice of pollution in the environment. 1. Water pollutions - This material explains about how the water will be impacts and its pollution. 2. Soil pollutions - This material explains about how the soil will be impacts and its pollution. 3. Air and Noise pollutions - This material explains about how the air and noise will be impacts and its pollution."
5. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the definition of the waste. Learners can describe the principles and concepts of zero waste management. Learners can identify the type, source and effective of waste. 1. Definition and information of waste - This material explains about the charractor of the waste and waste information today. 2. Type and source of waste - This material explains about the sources of the waste come from and its type. 3. Cause and effect of waste pollution - This material explains about what is the causes of waste and its impacts."
6. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the meaning and definition of climate change. Learners can identify the sources of climate change and its impacts of climate change. Learners can design on climate change adaptation options. 1. Characteristic of climate change - This material explains about the charractor of the climate and climate change. 2. Climate change information - This material explains about the information and history of the changing of climate. 3. Effectives of climate change - This material explains about the effects of environment under the climate change."
7. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the scenario of climate change. Learners can follow-up the impacts reduction mechanism. Learners can understand The adaptation options to the climate change. 1. Climate change scenario - This material explains about the scenario to predict the future event of climate change. 2. Impacts reduction mechanism - This material explains about the mechanism to reduce the impacts from climate change. 3. Climate change adaptation options - This material explains about mechanism to adapt on climate change condition."
8. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the world’s forest status. Learners can understand the forest ecology. Learners can understand the cause and effect of forest degradation. 1. Forestry and its functions - This material explains about the eaning of the forest and what its function to the environment. 2. Forest ecology - This material explains about the connecting of forest with other component in diferrence dimensions. 3. Cause and effect of forest degradation - This material explains about the causes and effects of the forest to the environment"
9. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the meaning and definition of wetland. Learners can understand the cause and effects of the wetland degradation. Learners can understand on relate wetland conventions. 1. Wetland definition - This material explains about the definition of the wetland and its functions to the environment. 2. Cause and effect of wetland degradation - This material explains about the relationship among environment and the wetland. 3. Relate wetland conventions - This material explains about the related conventions to preserve the wetland in nature condition."
10. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners will understand the meaning and indicators of poverty. Learners can identify causes and effects of the poverty. Learners will understand on the sustainable development mechanism. 1. Definition and indicators of poverty - This material explains about the meaning of the poverty and what is its indicators in diferrence dimension. 2. Cause and effect of poverty - This material explains about the relatonship between poverty conditions and its effects. 3. Sustainable development - This material explains about the mechanism to solve the poversty that would be grass root of environment."
11. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners can understand the basic knowledge of environmental impact assessment. Learners can follow-up the steps, process of environmental impact assessment. Learners can understand the monitoring and evaluation on environmental impact assessment. 1. Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - This material explains about why EIA would be important in the environment sector. 2. Steps, process and specific cases of EIA - This material explains about what EIA should be start and end. 3. Environment impacts monitoring and evaluation - This material explains about term of environmental mornitoring and what EIA searching in this approach."
12. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners will understand the meaning and importance of the ethic. Learners can identify the theories and principles of the ethic. Learners will learn how to create good activities on ethic environment. 1. Ethics environment and its importance - This material explains about the important of ethic to environment approach. 2. Basic theory and principles of ethic - This material explains about the basic theory and the principles related ethic environment. 3. Create activities on ethic environment - This material explains about how to create the activities to conserve the environment."
13. Type webcontents Subject Description
  • "Learners will know the global conventions and agreements related to environment. Learners can know the extension of national policy and laws related to environment. Learners can understand the national standards on environment. 1. Global conventions and agreement on environment - This material explains about the regislation in global scale or international agreement. 2. The national policy and laws related to environment - This material explains about the national level of regislation related to environment conservation. 3. The national standard on environment - This material explains about the below law regislation to enforcement of laws."