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Strength of Materials

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    • Category : Engineering > Architecture
    • Keyword : Axial forceShear forceBending MomentStress and strainSupport Reaction
    • Taught by : Hun Ketya
    • Created By : Institute of Technology of Cambodia
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.12.13

    This course focuses on the mechanical properties of the construction material and internal force in the structures induced by the external load on the structuresThe mechanism of stress development in the structural elements and the connection between elements are introduced to the students so that they can understand the stress state in the material and its failure modeThe solution to prevent each failure mode are also presented to the students.

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Number of lessons: 13 facebook twitter line whatsapp kakaotalk

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  • Review of some part of Mechanics and Calculus used in Strength of Materials
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  • Students will be able to identify different type of load and know how to calculate its magnitude on the structures
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  • Students will be able to determine the support reaction and the internal force and moment of the static determinate structures
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  • Students will be able to determine the internal force and moment of the static determinate structures with moment release
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  • Students will be able to understand the mechanical behaviour of the material under tension, compression and shear and to determine the magnitude of normal stress and shear stress due to external load
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  • Students will be able to calculate the stress, deformation and strain energy due to the external load and temperature variation in the static indeterminate structures
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  • Students will be able to calculate the static moment and moment of inertia of the cress section.
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  • Students will be able to understand the behaviour of the member under bending moment and calculate the normal stress develop in the cross section of the element induced by bending moment
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  • Students will be able to understand the behaviour of the member under shear force and calculate the normal stress develop in the cross section of the element induced by shear force
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  • Students will be able to understand different state of stress and calculate the magnitude of principal stress and identify the principal direction
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  • Students will be able to understand different state of strain and calculate the magnitude of principal strain and identify the principal direction
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  • Students will be able to understand the failure mode of different material and its yield surface
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  • Students will be able to understand more deeply about the moment of intertia of the composite section and determined the principal moment of inertia and identify principal direction