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A student-led webinar entitled Higher Education in Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: What's Possible?

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    • Category : Education > Education & Teacher Training
    • Keyword : commission on higher education,asean secretariat,webinar,opening remarks,English,challenges,opportunities,distance,learning,practice,ASEAN,covid
    • Taught by : Carmen Thea Samoro, Dr. Aldrin Darilag, H. E. Kung Phoak, Ms. Amalia Serrano, Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela
    • Created By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Offered By : Department of Education, Philippines
    • Date Added : 2021.08.20

    Commission on Higher Education of Phillippines and ASEAN Secretariat deliver their opening remarks to the participants of the webinar

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  • Commission on Higher Education of Phillippines and ASEAN Secretariat deliver their opening remarks to the participants of the webinar
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  • The use of digital technology in teaching and learning practice in higher education can no longer be avoided. Therefore, this session would like to focus on exploring impact of the integration of digital technology in education practices. Students will be invited to share their views on the challenges they are facing during the implementation of the distance learning, as well as the opportunity that they foresee with regard to the digital transformation of the education systems and practices. This session is expected to provide insight on the challenges and necessary means to ensure the effectiveness of distance learning and students well-being.
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  • Student mobility has become important components of the internationalization of higher education, since it does not only promote quality education, but also life skills such as broader perspective, competitiveness, and cultural awareness. However, restrictions due to the covid19 pandemic has significantly reduced the number of student mobility by the end of 2020. In a view to continue providing ASEAN students with the learning experience and benefit of student mobility programme, the discussion on the second session will explore the possibility of the new modes of student mobility in the post-pandemic world, which includes but not limited to virtual mobility. Students are expected to share their experience in participating in physical and virtual mobility programmes, and provide their insights on the positive and negative aspects of the programmes.
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  • From ASEAN Secretariat and Southest Asian Ministers of Education Organization both delivers the presentation on their scholarship programme to ASEAN students
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  • Chair of the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Education(SOM-ED) delivers his closing remarks to the all who attneded the webinar