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Sex Education

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    • Category : Education > Education & Teacher Training
    • Keyword : Sex,Gender,Puberty,Change of Body,Menstruation
    • Taught by : Amaze
    • Created By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2020.06.29

    "To provide young adolescents with medical accurate age-appropriate affirming and honest sex education To assist adult-parentsguardianseducators and health care providers to communicate effectively and honestly about sex and sexsuality with the children and adolescents in their lives Engagingeducationalage-appropriateoften humourous sex education video for young people Educational resourcesincluding short videos to build the skills of parents and guardians to better communicate with their children about sex and sexuality"

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1. Type video Subject Description
  • Once you start to go through pubertyit’s possible to get pregnant or get someone pregnantwhich is why it’s important to be familiar with different ways to prevent pregnancyWhen people use birth controlor contraceptionthey use a medicinemedical device or barrier like a condom to keep a sperm and an egg from unitingSome birth controllike the Pillthe Patch and the Shotare medicines that keep the ovary from releasing an egg or ovumOther birth control methods helpa barrier at the opening of the cervix to keep sperm from getting inside the uterus to find an eggAbstinenceor choosing to not have or delay having sexis the most effective form of birth control.
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  • Sometimes people may make a mistake when using birth controland it doesn’t work correctlyOr perhaps a person was sexually assaultedand no birth control method was usedThere are some things that a person can do after they have had sex and either didn’t use condoms or other birth control or the birth control method they used didn’t workEmergency contraception (EC)which is also known as the “morning-after pill,is a medication that can help prevent pregnancy when taken up to five days after unprotected sexThe sooner it’s takenthe better it works to prevent pregnancyAnother option to prevent pregnancy is to have a health care providera form of birth control called an intrauterine device (IUDafter unprotected sexIf a person may have been exposed to HIVpost-exposure prophylaxis (PEPis a medication that can be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex to reduce the transmission of the STD HIV.
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  • If you’re between the ages of 9 and 14you’ve probably started to experience pubertyor the changes that happen when your body changes from a child to a young adultThen againyou may not haveEither waydon’t worryPuberty in girls can start as early as age 8 and as late as 13 or 14but eventually everyone goes through it! Beginning menstruationoften called getting your periodis a normal part of going through puberty for girlsYour period happens around once a month because changes from puberty signal your brain to release new chemicalscalled hormonesinto your bodyDuring this timeyour uterus starts creating a thicklush layer of blood and nutrients inside in case you have sex and a fetus (or baby-to-bestarts to grow in thereIf there is no pregnancythe uterus pushes out the layer of nutrientscalled the endometriumwhich comes out of the vagina as your periodYour body then begins toa new layer with a fresh lining and it starts over again. It’s normal to feel nervous or anxious about getting your periodIt can help to talk with an adult that you trust about what to expect and to carry some feminine hygiene supplies (like a maxi pad or tamponwith you just in case.
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  • When people use birth controlor contraceptionthey use a medicinemedical device or barrierlike a condomto keep a sperm and an egg from unitingCondoms are one of the most widely used forms of birth controlA condom fits over an erect penis and creates a barrier that prevents sperm from meeting an eggThis barrier also helps reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)Condoms are available at drug stores or grocery stores without a prescriptionA person can buy condoms no matter their age.
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  • You’ve probably heard the terms HIV and AIDS used togetherwhich may have led you to believe they are the same thingbut in reality they are differentHIV stands for human immunodeficiency virusAIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndromeHIV is the virus that causes AIDSHIV is considered a sexually transmitted disease (STDbecause it can be spread through certain sexual behaviorsThis means that HIV cannot be spread through behaviors like shaking handshugging or kissingWhen someone is infected with HIVthe virus begins to attack the immune systemwhich can make someone more likely to get sick from other germsIt can take many years for someone with HIV to develop AIDSand some people who are HIV positive never develop AIDSWhile there is no cure for HIVthere are medicines that can help people live long and healthy lives like people with other chronic diseases (such as diabetes)It’s important to know that you cannot tell if someone has HIV just by looking at themThe only way to know for sure if a person has HIV is for that person to get tested for HIV and tell you the results of their HIV test.
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  • You may have heard of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)also called sexually transmitted infections (STIs)They are more common than most people think and are spread through sexual behaviors with someone who already has an STDGetting tested regularly is super important if a person is having oralanal or vaginal sex or engaging in genital-to-genital rubbing with a partnerSTDs are also easy to preventIf you don’t engage in sexual behaviorsyou don’t have to worry about STDsBut when a person does decide to engage in sexual behaviorscondoms and dental dams are highly effective at reducing the risk of getting an STD.
7. Type video Subject Description
  • If you’re between the ages of 10 and 14you’ve probably started to experience puberty or some of the changes that happen when your body changes from a child to a young adultThen againyou may not haveEither waydon’t worry Puberty in boys can start as early as age nine and as late as 15but eventuallyeveryone goes through it!
8. Type video Subject Description
  • If you’re between the ages of 9 and 14you’ve probably started to experience pubertyor the changes that happen when your body changes from a child to a young adultThen againyou may not haveEither waydon’t worryPuberty in girls can start as early as age 8 and as late as 13 or 14but eventually everyone goes through it!
9. Type video Subject Description
  • Choose someone you think is a good listener and won’t be judgmentalChoose someone who will help you figure out what to do in a tough spot or help you process your feelings and thoughtsLook for someone you admire—someone you think you might like to grow up to be like one dayAsk yourselfDo I respect this personDo I trust themWill they take me seriouslyWill they respect me and not judge meTrusted adults can be your parentsgrandparentsother relativescaregiversteachers or coachesEven your friendsparents can provide adviceanswer difficult questionsshare their values and/or faith traditions and help you as you grow into an adultRegardless of who a trusted adult is to youwhat matters is that this person provide the support you need and deserve.