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Challenge and Opportunity of Higher Education in the Age of Digital Revolution2019 ACU e-learning Conference

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    • Category : Education > Education & Teacher Training
    • Taught by : Sunggi Baik, Hyekyung Yang, Wan Zuhainis Saad, Thapanee Thammater, Hnin Aye Thant, Teri Rose Dominica Roh, Mary Catherine Ariosa, Jeannie Pang, Kittituch Orisoon, Kyeongsim Yeon
    • Created By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.09.30
    • Hits : 836
    • Keyword : Educational Paradigm, Digital Technology, Higher Education, Opportunity, Challenge

    "Recent development in digital technology and internet transforms conventional lecture-oriented teaching institutes into student-centered learning platforms, which revolutionized educational paradigms resulting in conceptual as well as practical approaches including flipped classroom, massive open on-line courses (MOOC), project-based learning, adaptive learning, etc. Such changes pose significant threats as well as unprecedent opportunities for higher education, particularly in the developing countries as the mobile internet becomes widely available. A few issues and challenges facing higher education institutions will be raised and discussed focusing on the key issues, namely, curriculum development reflecting social changes and future trend of ASEAN countries undergoing drastic changes in political and socio-economic systems, and global trend and implementation strategy of ICT infrastructure within higher education institutes. "

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