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2019 ACU e-learning Conference

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    • Category : Education > Education & Teacher Training
    • Keyword : Educational ParadigmValuee-learningThai MOOCProject Oriented Learning(POL)TeachingInterculturalRISS
    • Taught by : Sunggi Baik, Hyekyung Yang, Wan Zuhainis Saad, Thapanee Thammater, Hnin Aye Thant, Teri Rose Dominica Roh, Mary Catherine Ariosa, Jeannie Pang, Kittituch Orisoon, Kyeongsim Yeon
    • Created By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.09.30

    2019 ACU Conference

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Number of lessons: 10 facebook twitter line whatsapp kakaotalk

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  • "Recent development in digital technology and internet transforms conventional lecture-oriented teaching institutes into student-centered learning platforms, which revolutionized educational paradigms resulting in conceptual as well as practical approaches including flipped classroom, massive open on-line courses (MOOC), project-based learning, adaptive learning, etc. Such changes pose significant threats as well as unprecedent opportunities for higher education, particularly in the developing countries as the mobile internet becomes widely available. A few issues and challenges facing higher education institutions will be raised and discussed focusing on the key issues, namely, curriculum development reflecting social changes and future trend of ASEAN countries undergoing drastic changes in political and socio-economic systems, and global trend and implementation strategy of ICT infrastructure within higher education institutes. "
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  • This presentation discuss the common value of development cooperation in higher education sector especially focusing on e-learning in ASEAN countries whilst tacking some issues of quality in the process of delivery and implementation followed by introduction of value and quality issues in several KOICA projects which was conducted in ASEAN partner countries in the perspective of policy maker.
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  • There is a significant trend towards e-learning across the globe because of its potential to increase learning effectiveness and flexibility for the learner. This is the foundation required for students to be able to engage in higher order thinking skills, equipped them with the 21st century skills and eventually to develop self-directed learners. Redesigning learning strategies to enhance students’ engagement for effective and meaningful learning in a virtual learning environment are emphasize d. Twenty-first century skills that include collaboration, creativity, communication, connection, critic al thinking and problem solving are crucial for learners. This immersive environment is not simply based on virtual environment but the Learning and the Doing became one and the same. It is ho ped that this experience will foster a community of innovators to share the passion for technolog y in learning and help to motivate success.
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  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a new trend in higher education. They use disruptive technology and Open Educational Resources to manage online instruction for an unlimited number of learners. MOOCs can be used for formal education, informal education, non-formal education, and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for lifelong learners. They can also serve as supplementary materials for other forms of instruction, i.e. blended learning, and flipped learning. This presentation, Creative MOOCs for higher Education: Perspectives from Thai MOOC, outlines three key points including (1) MOOC trends, (2) Case of Thai MOOC -- which will be focused on the Thai MOOC project as the national digital learning platform for the lifelong learning of the Thai citizens established in 2017, at present, there are more than 100,000 active members and 300 courses (, and (3) Future direction which is in line with a current global disruptive technology trend in higher education focusing on MOOCs and open education as evidenced by lifelong learning. The information gained can be used as guidelines for the MOOCs learning design and development. It can also be used as a case study for further development in both policy and concrete practice regarding the current global educational technology trend.
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  • "Today technologies are changing day by day. We need to transform the classroom activities: pas-sive learning to active learning becoming innovative and creative classroom. Integrating POL Activ-ities in classroom, students can get the deeper understanding the content knowledge and promote the development of work readiness skills. Project-oriented learning helps learners develop skills to work in a knowledge-based, highly technological world. By bringing real-life context and technolo-gy to the curriculum through a project-oriented learning approach, learners are encouraged to be-come independent workers, critical thinkers, and lifelong learners. This POL Activity promotes stu-dents choice, autonomy and decision making. I will discuss about following topics:  What is Project-Oriented Learning?  Why Project-Oriented Learning?  What are some best practices around project-oriented learning?  Project-oriented learning is authentic learning  The role of the instructor changes in project-oriented learning.  The role of the learner changes in project-oriented learning.  What steps should I take to do project-oriented learning?  What other resources can help me with project-oriented learning?"
6. Type video Subject Description
  • ASEAN professors in Korea represent a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, nursing, hotel and restaurant management, food technology, international business, and foreign language teaching, among others. This presentation highlights the experiences of an ASEAN professor in the field of English language teaching (ELT) in Korea. This is still an uncommon phenomenon due to issues in native-speakerism and other institutional constraints. While the circumstances and concerns of ASEAN professors can vary greatly depending on the discipline, regional location, professional disposition, and so on, the presentation will mainly draw attention to topics of shared interest such as teaching, pursuing graduate education and research, and job applications.
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  • "Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is seen as one of the key competencies in the 21st century (UNESCO, 2013), so one of the ultimate goals in English language training programs is to educate learners to become intercultural speakers who can deal with linguistic and cultural complexity and take part in multicultural situations (Tran & Seepho, 2016). However, the integration of intercultural content into English language education is still ignored in the Korean context. Within the current context of globalization, the issue of delivering ICC through Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching (ICLT) approach for learners has been identified as one of the ultimate goals in the field of English language education (Byram, 1997; Deardoff, 2009; Fantini, 2000; Lázár et al., 2007 in Tran and Seepho, 2016). English language education should equip learners with the knowledge of intercultural communication and the ability to use it effectively in order to bridge cultural differences and achieve more harmonious and productive relations (Samovar, Porter, & McDaniel, 2012 in Tran and Seepho, 2016). Unfortunately, the reasons for the teachers exclusion of culture and intercultural communication in English language education are: more interest in the practical aspects of communication” (Onalan, 2005, p. 217 in Tran & Seepho, 2016); not enough time to talk about cultural elements due to a demanding curriculum (Gonen & Saglam, 2012; Hong, 2008 in Tran & Seepho, 2016); the lack of adequate training on how to incorporate culture in the teaching practices as well as how to measure learners’ IC and changes in their attitudes as a result of culture teaching (Gonen & Saglam, 2012 in Tran & Seepho, 2016) With the constant rise of ASEAN international students in Korean universities in the past couple of years (“ASEAN Students in Korea: By Visa Type and Nationality (2018),” 2018), it is imperative that professors in Korean universities are introduced to Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) so as to refine their teaching approach to Intercultural Communicative English Language Teaching (ICELT) in order to address the changing landscape of a Korean university (ESL/EFL) classroom."
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  • "RISS International has been open to everyone around the world since 2006. RISS International is a service with an embedded comprehensive search engine that allows researchers to search and access full-text versions of about 1.5 million theses and 5.5 million journal articles published in the Republic of Korea. The International Library Loan (ILL) services of RISS International are free to member institutions, where a limited and amount of materials can be accessed. This paper introduces RISS International services with data composition and the major features including ILL. Any academic institution outside of the Republic of Korea can become a member institution of RISS International free of charge. This paper presents RISS International with its new interface which launched in July, 2019 along with the major changes in functions and operation policies. This paper also presents user trends and two exemplary cases of RISS International member institutions. Furthermore, this paper concludes with the future directions for the betterment of RISS International and welcoming its future members from ASEAN academic institutions. "
9. Type video Subject Description
  • Nowadays the world is now changing faster than the previous rating and has become much more globalization than in earlier years, leading to increasing level of economic competition and socio-politicalcultural information. Learning in the new transformational era is changing as students now expect to get most of their information from many sources both tangible and intangible sources such as books, digital sources, and experiences. Many researches show that ASEAN students are apparently not able to make effective of this. However, many ASEAN universities have strategies to broaden international relationship among ASEAN countries as well as other countries especially Korea. The future of ASEAN’s higher education institutions will have stronger relationship in academic collaboration. This presentation will describe Challenges and Opportunities among ASEAN countries and Korea in next decade and trend of collaboration.
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  • This presentation is to introduce the proposed model of ACU and its implementation strategies as well as the journey reaching to the proposal. Global society requires changed perspectives and activities with diverse and innovative ideas and advanced technologies in pursuit of shared perspectives and sustainable development. In response to the changes, ASEAN and Korea are required to define their cooperative relations and carry out feasible and practical actions between them. In this respect, the research has been conducted to design a platform model of higher education and cooperative actions for enhancing accessibility and employability in cooperation with academia-government-private sectors in the ASEAN and Korea based on the achievement of cyber universities. Also, considering educational environment and recent progress on cooperative actions, this model presents a phased-approach to materialize the structure and courses of the higher education institute under the umbrella of ACU. Starting from transferring and recognizing the credits among the participating entities, the ACU is expected to be an independent higher education institute for awarding a degree via intermediate stage of ACU Program