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Teaching and Learning Experiences of an ASEAN Professor in Englsih Language Teaching2019 ACU e-learning Conference

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    • Category : Education > Education & Teacher Training
    • Taught by : Sunggi Baik, Hyekyung Yang, Wan Zuhainis Saad, Thapanee Thammater, Hnin Aye Thant, Teri Rose Dominica Roh, Mary Catherine Ariosa, Jeannie Pang, Kittituch Orisoon, Kyeongsim Yeon
    • Created By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.09.30
    • Hits : 800
    • Keyword : Teaching, Learning, Experience, ASEAN Professor

    ASEAN professors in Korea represent a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, nursing, hotel and restaurant management, food technology, international business, and foreign language teaching, among others. This presentation highlights the experiences of an ASEAN professor in the field of English language teaching (ELT) in Korea. This is still an uncommon phenomenon due to issues in native-speakerism and other institutional constraints. While the circumstances and concerns of ASEAN professors can vary greatly depending on the discipline, regional location, professional disposition, and so on, the presentation will mainly draw attention to topics of shared interest such as teaching, pursuing graduate education and research, and job applications.

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