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Challenges and Opportunities ASEAN-Korea Collaboration in Higher Education2019 ACU e-learning Conference

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    • Category : Education > Education & Teacher Training
    • Taught by : Sunggi Baik, Hyekyung Yang, Wan Zuhainis Saad, Thapanee Thammater, Hnin Aye Thant, Teri Rose Dominica Roh, Mary Catherine Ariosa, Jeannie Pang, Kittituch Orisoon, Kyeongsim Yeon
    • Created By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.09.30
    • Hits : 780
    • Keyword : Globalization, ASEAN Student, higher education, collaboration

    Nowadays the world is now changing faster than the previous rating and has become much more globalization than in earlier years, leading to increasing level of economic competition and socio-politicalcultural information. Learning in the new transformational era is changing as students now expect to get most of their information from many sources both tangible and intangible sources such as books, digital sources, and experiences. Many researches show that ASEAN students are apparently not able to make effective of this. However, many ASEAN universities have strategies to broaden international relationship among ASEAN countries as well as other countries especially Korea. The future of ASEAN’s higher education institutions will have stronger relationship in academic collaboration. This presentation will describe Challenges and Opportunities among ASEAN countries and Korea in next decade and trend of collaboration.

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